A nonperturbative formulation of the Wess-Zumino (WZ) model in two and three dimensions is proposed on the basis of momentum-modes truncation. The formulation manifestly preserves full supersymmetry as well as the translational invariance and all global symmetries, while it is shown to be consistent with the expected locality to all orders of perturbation theory. For the two-dimensional WZ model, a well-defined Nicolai map in the formulation provides an interesting algorithm for Monte Carlo simulations. (Daisuke Kadoh), hsuzuki@riken.jp (Hiroshi Suzuki). 1 We assume that the Kähler potential is the flat one, Φ † Φ, and the superpotential is cubic in the three-dimensional model, so that the model is ultraviolet (UV) finite. 2 In Sec. 2.2, we will clarify the relation of our proposal to a lattice formulation in Ref. [11] that is based on the SLAC derivative [46,47].