“…The occurrence of IAA in infinitesimal concentrations in most hi'gher plant tissuies, the relaitively small yields obtained from in vitro biosynthesis, and the lability of the compotund in liight, 02 atmosphere and strong acid soluitionis pose = , problems that have never been solved entirely 8 9 10 satisfactorily. Problems in identification and analysis of IAA continue to exist despite the development of many valuable proce(lures involving paper B (2,5,7,12,13,15,23,33,34), thin-layer (17,21,22) and partition column (15,24,25,26) chromatography; electrophoresis (15, 23); gas chromatography (26); s9pectrophotofltiorometry (26); colorimetry (2,5,7,12,13,15,23,24,26,33,34) and spectrophotometry (7).…”