We report the intermolecular binding
energies (IBEs) between UF6 and over 50 different functionalized
small organic molecules
as predicted by electronic structure calculations. Optimized geometries
of UF6–molecule dimers were found at the MP2/aug-cc-pwCVDZ
(non-U), cc-pVDZ-PP (U) level. IBEs were calculated using MP2 and
dispersion-corrected DFT theory. We characterize the various functional
groups based on the inclusion of specific heteroatoms. Those functional
groups containing “nitrogen only” heteroatoms result
in larger IBEs than groups containing both nitrogen and oxygen or
oxygen alone. Halogen-containing and regular hydrocarbon molecules
show the lowest IBEs with UF6. Nonorganic phosphoryl species
are also shown to display large IBEs with UF6. These interactions
are characterized in part by how much the impinging functionalized
molecule distorts the UF6 from its optimal octahedral geometry.
Of all the investigated groups, the amine group displayed the largest
IBE values (IBE ∼ >12–14 kcal/mol for methyl amine),
while hydrocarbons and perfluorocarbons both showed the weakest interactions
(IBE ∼ 0.5–1.5 and 0.1–0.8 kcal/mol for methane
and perfluoromethane, respectively). The study examines how the strength
of the IBE is contingent on a combination of conformational deformation,
stabilizing nonbonding interactions, and sterics.