Any smooth projective variety contains many complete intersection subvarieties with ample cotangent bundles, of each dimension up to half its own dimension.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. -14M10. Key words and phrases. -Ample cotangent bundle, symmetric differential forms, complete intersection varieties.The research of the second author was supported by the USIAS project "Rational Points, Rational Curves and Automorphisms of Special Varieties" of Carlo Gasbarri and Gianluca Pacienza ( [math.AG] 8 Dec 2017 J and θ p J involve only a p J , the linear map ϕ p ξ is diagonal by blocks. Each block H 0 (M, O M (ε p )) → k × k corresponds to the map a p J → (α p J ) V (a p , ξ), (θ p J ) V (a p , ξ) for a certain J. Recall from (6) that locally (for readability, we now drop the "local" notation)There are thus two cases, depending on J: Either (ζ(ξ)) J 0, or not.Before discussing these two cases, let us note that (since ε p 1 and since sections of very ample line bundles separate first order jets) there exists b 1 ∈ H 0 (M, O M (ε p )) such that b 1 (ξ) = 0 and db 1 (ξ) 0, and there also exists b 2 ∈ H 0 (M, O M (ε p )) such that b 2 (ξ) 0.In the first case, when (ζ(ξ)) J 0, the respective images (0, * 0 ) and ( * 0 , * ) of b 1 and b 2 cannot be colinear. Thus the rank of the block is 2. Observe that there are exactly k 0 +δ p