In this paper we present new versions of the classical Brunn-Minkowski inequality for different classes of measures and sets. We show that the inequalityholds true for an unconditional product measure µ with decreasing density and a pair of unconditional convex bodies A, B ⊂ R n . We also show that the above inequality is true for any unconditional logconcave measure µ and unconditional convex bodies A, B ⊂ R n . Finally, we prove that the inequality is true for a symmetric log-concave measure µ and a pair of symmetric convex sets A, B ⊂ R 2 , which, in particular, settles two-dimensional case of the conjecture for Gaussian measure proposed in [13].In addition, we deduce the 1/n-concavity of the parallel volume t → µ(A + tB), Brunn's type theorem and certain analogues of Minkowski first inequality.