In this paper, a modified Reynolds equation in polar coordinates using the Phan-Thien and Tanner rheological model is combined with a modified Darcy law describing a poroelastic confining surface. The Phan-Thien and Tanner model is commonly used to describe the viscoelastic behaviour of synovial fluid, while the poroelastic model can portray articular cartilage. Together, they may provide a simulation basis for lubrication of the tribology of the knee contact under squeezing. The results obtained for the axisymmetric case are analysed and compared for certain non-Newtonian shear phenomena on the basis of works from the literature.
NOMENCLATUREpermeability of lower disc (m 2 ) K volume average modulus of elasticity (Pa m À3 ) ℓ displacement vector of pores (m) m upper disc mass (kg) p pressure (Pa) p atm atmospheric pressure (Pa) p* Phan-Thien and Tanner (PTT) film fluid pressure, in porous media (Pa) p N Newtonian pressure (Pa) r radial coordinate (m) R disc radius (m) t time (s) v 0 initial radial velocity component (ms À1 ) u N Newtonian radial velocity component (ms À1 ) U 1 , U 2 radial velocity components of lower/upper disc (ms À1 ) U Ã 1 ; V Ã 1 PTT velocity components, in porous media/fluid film interface (radial, axial) (m s À1 ) V 1 axial (normal) velocity component of lower disc (ms À1 ) v* PTT fluid particles relative velocity vector, in porous medium (m s À1 ) v f PTT fluid particles absolute velocity vector, in porous medium (m s À1 ) W 1 , W 2 azimuthal velocity components of lower/upper disc (ms À1dynamic viscosity of PTT solvent (Pa s) η r effective viscosity in z-plane, r-direction (Pa s) η θ effective viscosity in z-plane, θ-direction (Pa s) θ angular coordinate (À) λ relaxation time (s) ξ PTT slip parameter π zz total axial (normal) stress component (Pa) τ rz extra stress component in z-plane, r-direction (Pa)