A brief analysis of entropy concepts in continuum mechanics and thermodynamics is presented. The methods of accounting for friction, wear and fatigue processes in the calculation of the thermodynamic entropy are described. It is shown that these and other damage processes of solids are more adequately described by tribo-fatigue entropy. It was established that mechanothermodynamic entropy calculated as the sum of interacting thermodynamic and tribo-fatigue entropy components has the most general character. Examples of usage (application) of tribo-fatigue and mechanothermodynamic entropies for practical analysis of wear and fatigue processes are given.Keywords: entropy; mechanothermodynamics; tribo-fatigue; tribology; fatigue; damage
Thermodynamic EntropyThe following functions are used to describe the state of thermodynamic systems [1]:where temperature T, volume V, and number of moles of chemical components N k are the macroscopic state variables. In the general case of an open system, the change dU of internal energy U is presented [1] as:where dQ is the amount of heat; dA is the amount of mechanical energy; dU sub is the amount of substance, which the system exchanged with the environment for a time interval dt; p is the pressure; the µ k 's are the chemical potentials. Planck especially emphasized that dU in Equation (2) is an infinitely small difference, whereas dQ, dA, and dU sub are the infinitely small amounts. It follows from (2) that entropy S change in a thermodynamic system (subscript T) is: Abstract: A brief analysis of entropy concepts in continuum mechanics and thermodynamics is presented. The methods of accounting for friction, wear and fatigue processes in the calculation of the thermodynamic entropy are described. It is shown that these and other damage processes of solids are more adequately described by tribo-fatigue entropy. It was established that mechanothermodynamic entropy calculated as the sum of interacting thermodynamic and tribofatigue entropy components has the most general character. Examples of usage (application) of tribo-fatigue and mechanothermodynamic entropies for practical analysis of wear and fatigue processes are given.