Let R be a commutative Noetherian ring, I, J two proper ideals of R and let M be a non-zero finitely generated R-module with c = cd(I, J, M). In this paper, we first introduce T R (I, J, M) as the largest submodule of M with the property that cd(I, J, T R (I, J, M)) < c and we describe it in terms of the reduced primary decomposition of zero submodule of M. It is shown that Ann R (H d I,J (M)) = Ann R (M/T R (I, J, M)) and Ann R (H d I (M)) = Ann R (H d I,J (M)), whenever R is a local ring, M has dimension d with H d I,J (M) = 0 and J t M ⊆ T R (I, M) for some positive integer t.