New surface integral methods for use in computational aeroacoustics are developed and presented. The methods are derived for moving deformable surfaces. These surfaces may be real, solid surfaces, or computational control surfaces. These methods are derived as extensions to the popular Kirchhoff and Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings methods in use today. The equivalence of these two formulations is also presented. Test calculations are shown to validate the methods for use in jet aeroacoustics studies. However, the methods are presented in a manner that makes them easily applicable in cases where Kirchhoff and Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings methods have been used in the past. (Author)
AbstractNew surface integral methods for use in computational aeroacoustics are developed and presented. The methods are derived for moving deformable surfaces. These surfaces may be real, solid surfaces, or computational control surfaces. These methods are derived as extensions to the popular Kirchhoff and Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings methods in use today. The equivalence of these two formulations is also presented. Test calculations are shown to validate the methods for use in jet aeroacoustics studies. However, the methods are presented in a manner to make them easily applicable in cases where Kirchhoff and Ffowcs Williams-Hawkings methods have been used in the past. Nomenclature c 0 = ambient sound speed gij = metric tensor components H(f) = Heaviside function Li = surface loading Lk, Rk = control surface dimensions M, M = surface & flow Mach numbers n -unit surface normal vector p, p = fluid pressure and density r,r = radiation & unit radiation vectors S, dS^ = control surface area Tij, Tij -Lighthill stress tensor (xi,t) = observer coordinates and time (yi,r) = source coordinates and time v.' = control surface local coordinates «i = fluid velocity Vi = control surface velocity 6(f) = Dirac delta function Kij = complex wave number ffij = viscous stress tensor 6 -emission angle u = angular frequency O = D'Alembertian wave operator Subscripts o = ambient conditions n = surface normal direction r = radiation direction