The article reveals the features of the transformation of global economic systems caused by the coronavirus pandemic. The nature, namely, transformational changes, the basic characteristic of which is the acquisition of new properties and manifestations, has been substantiated. Separately, attention is focused on the fact that transformational changes will be of a long-term nature, which will be observed even after overcoming the coronavirus pandemic. The relevance of this direction seems to be very high, since changes in the global economic world will be extremely signifi cant. The article also identifi es some areas of transformational changes (regionalism, new content of economic systems, their restructuring, the emergence of online solutions, etc.). Separately, the work analyzes the consequences of transformation in a number of signifi cant global economic systems: global fi nance, tourism, transport, entertainment industry, food markets, migration fl ows, etc. In addition, the need to search for new content in the functioning and development of international economic associations is indicated. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the directions and consequences of the transformation of global economic systems. The research tasks are reduced to substantiating the content of global economic systems; identifying areas of general transformational changes in the world economy; the designation of the directions and consequences of the transformation of certain global industries, markets, economic processes. Research subject: global economic relations. Research object: global economic systems. Research methods: systems approach, statistical method, modeling method. Research results. The main types of global economic systems are formulated; the directions of transformation of global economic systems are revealed; the global economic systems in which the transformational changes have occurred most clearly and signifi cantly; formulated possible contours of the functioning and development of global economic systems after the end of the coronavirus epidemic; directions that require special attention in the development of the global economy are proposed.