The main goal of this paper is to develop a general methodology for both pinpointing the weak elements of public transportation (PT) systems and finding least-cost solutions for improvements. The methodology is based on network routing, scheduling, and real-time control algorithms. These algorithms detect deficiencies and failures of the PT network and in operations planning. The main practical objective and challenge of this work is to provide a decision-support system for the prognosis and detection of the deficiencies of the PT network and measures required to their remedy. The system is based on off-and online algorithms and methods associated with multi-agent systems.Keywordsfailure detection; decision support system; mobile agents; public transportation; transport network
I. INTRODUCTIONToday the public transportation (PT) and logistics network environment is dynamic and can change dramatically in a very short time. Therefore, traditional optimization and simulation techniques based on static off-line training and decision making in stationary situations cannot satisfactorily predict customer and network behavior. Because PT systems are complex, dynamic and have different distributed sources of voluminous data, the intelligent multi-agent (IMA) and data-mining approaches are efficient ways for analyzing and optimizing them. This paper considers PT systems, mostly those associated with large urban transportation networks. Failure detection providing PT service focuses on two components: the inadequacy of the planned or existed network and a dynamic non-fulfillment of the planned scheduling tasks and expected operation.The first component is related to the existing PT network and planned routing, scheduling and expected operations. In regard to these functions, there is a need to plan the preventive maintenance actions and detect the weak segments and bottlenecks for the optimization of corrective/improvement actions. The second component is related to the detection and repair of real-time failures during actual operation.