In this paper we study the multiple-processor multitask scheduling problem in the deterministic and stochastic models. We consider and analyze M-SRPT, a simple modification of the shortest remaining processing time algorithm, which always schedules jobs according to SRPT whenever possible, while processes tasks in an arbitrary order. The modified SRPT algorithm is shown to achieve an competitive ratio of Θ(log α + β) for minimizing flow time, where α denotes the ratio of maximum job workload and minimum job workload, β represents the ratio between maximum non-preemptive task workload and minimum job workload. The algorithm is shown to be optimal (up to a constant factor) when there are constant number of machines. We further consider the problem under poisson arrival and general workload distribution, M-SRPT is proved to be asymptotic optimal when the traffic intensity ρ approaches 1, if the task size is upper bound by the derived upper bound η.