Monoculture and intensive use of mechanization and inorganic chemicals are leading to degradation and erosion of our soils and agro-ecosystems. At the same time, the production of animal feeds that are rich in protein is constantly decreasing in many European countries. Modest cultivation needs, favorable content of nutrients, and beneficial effect on the environment, make field pea and oat mixtures promising crops to tackle these issues. In three growing seasons and without irrigation or fertilisation, we have examined two basic field pea cultivars (Kosmaj, OS Adam) and one leafless cultivar (OS Letin) intercropped with oat (NS Jadar), with seeding rates, field pea: oat-100:10%; 100:20%. Results have shown that basic type cultivars have better overall development and higher yields compared to leafless cultivar, whether grown as single crops or in the mixture. Basic cultivars (OS Adam, Kosmaj) achieved higher protein content, compared to cultivar Letin, 163.9 g kg-1 , 153.3 g kg-1 , 136 g kg-1 , respectively. Yields were higher in 100:20% mixtures, compared to 100:10% mixtures and single grown crops, and we conclude that intercropping these species is superior to cultivating them separately. Protein content wasn't significantly different between two seeding rates, thus seed rates shouldn't be lower than 100:20%.