Consider a Banach function space X(μ) of (classes of) locally integrable functions over a σ -finite measure space (Ω, Σ, μ) with the weak σ -Fatou property. Day and Lennard (2010) [9] proved that the theorem of Komlós on convergence of Cesàro sums in L 1 [0, 1] holds also in these spaces; i.e. for every bounded sequence ( f n ) n in X(μ), there exists a subsequence ( f n k ) k and a function f ∈ X(μ) such that for any further subsequence (h j ) j of ( f n k ) k , the series 1 n n j=1 h j converges μ-a.e. to f . In this paper we generalize this result to a more general class of Banach spaces of classes of measurable functions -spaces L 1 (ν) of integrable functions with respect to a vector measure ν on a δ-ring -and explore to which point the Fatou property and the Komlós property are equivalent. In particular we prove that this always holds for ideals of spaces L 1 (ν) with the weak σ -Fatou property, and provide an example of a Banach lattice of measurable functions that is Fatou but do not satisfy the Komlós Theorem.