Published paperPresented are results obtained from the incorporation of a semi-empirical soot model into a first-order conditional moment closure (CMC) approach to modelling turbulent, non-premixed methane-and propane-air flames. Soot formation is determined via the solution of two transport equations for soot mass fraction and particle number density, with acetylene and benzene employed as the incipient species responsible for soot nucleation, and the concentrations of these calculated using a detailed gas-phase kinetic scheme involving 70 species. The study focuses on the influence of differential diffusion of soot particles on soot volume fraction predictions. The results of calculations are compared with experimental data for atmospheric and 3 atmosphere methane flames, and propane flames with air preheated to 323 K and 773 K. Overall, the study demonstrates that the model, when used in conjunction with a representation of differential diffusion effects, is capable of accurately predicting soot formation in the turbulent non-premixed flames considered.