Double ionization of water molecules remains, still today, rarely investigated on both the experimental and the theoretical side. In this context, the present work reports on a quantum mechanical approach providing a quantitative description of the electron-induced double ionization process on isolated water molecules for impact energies ranging from the target ionization threshold up to about 10 keV. The cross section calculations are here performed within the first Born approximation framework in which the initial state of the system includes a molecular ground-state wave function expressed as a single-center linear combination of atomic orbitals while the final state of the system is characterized by two independent Coulomb wave functions used for describing the two ejected electrons coupled by a Gamov factor used for modeling the electron-electron repulsion. Besides, in order to go beyond the first Born approximation, the scattered electron is considered as a particle being in the Coulomb field of the nucleus-whose charge is screened by the ejected electrons-and then treated by an approximate Coulomb wave function. In this perturbative-type description, let us add that the passive (not ionized) electrons are considered as frozen in their molecular orbitals during the collision which permits to reduce the electron-target interaction potential to a two-active-electron problem. Comparisons with rare available experimental data are reported as well an energetic analysis in terms of mean secondary energy transfer during the double ionization process in order to demonstrate the relevance of the electron-induced double ionization process.Electron-induced interactions in water are of great impor tance in many fields of research ranging from astrophysics to cellular biology with significant impacts in radiobiology, med ical imaging, and radiotherapy, essentially due to the fact that water is commonly used as a surrogate of the living matter. In this context, it is nowadays well recognized that the "physics" stage that takes place at the first postirradiation femtoseconds plays a key role in the avalanche of events occurring throughout the water radiolysis and then appears as a decisive step in the induction of the radiation cellular damages [1], Under these conditions, accurate cross sections-related to the different electron-induced interactions on water molecules-appear as crucial input data for the numerical codes devoted to the electron track-structure description in biological matter [2]. In this context, the single collisional processes induced by electron impact in water (including the elastic and inelastic channels) have been intensively investigated on both the theo retical [3,4] and the experimental [5,6] sides. Comparatively, the electron-impact double ionization (DI) of water molecules is less documented and therefore generally neglected in the majority of existing numerical track-structure codes arguing a presupposed minor contribution in the total energy deposit pattern. However, whether it is in the wat...