An application of the "top-down" concept for the development of accurate coarse-grained intermolecular potentials of complex fluids is presented. With the more common "bottomup" procedure, coarse-grained models are constructed from a suitable simplification of a fulldetailed atomistic representation, and minor adjustments to the intermolecular parameters are made by comparison with limited experimental data where necessary. By contrast in the top-down approach, a molecular-based equation of state is used to obtain an effective coarsegrained intermolecular potential that reproduces the macroscopic experimental thermophysical properties over a wide range of conditions. These coarse-grained intermolecular potentials can then be used in a conventional molecular simulation to obtain properties (such as structure or dynamics) that are not directly accessible from the equation of state or at extreme conditions where the theory is expected to fail. In order to demonstrate our procedure, a coarse-