Let G be a unique product group, i.e., for any two finite subsets A, B of G there exists x ∈ G which can be uniquely expressed as a product of an element of A and an element of B. We prove that, if C is a finite subset of G containing the identity element such that C is not abelian, then for all subsets B of G with |B| ≥ 7, |BC| ≥ |B| + |C| + 2. Also, we prove that if C is a finite subset containing the identity element of a torsion-free group G such that |C| = 3 and C is not abelian, then for all subsets B of G with |B| ≥ 7, |BC| ≥ |B| + 5. Moreover, if C is not isomorphic to the Klein bottle group, i.e., the group with the presentation x, y | xyx = y , then for all subsets B of G with |B| ≥ 5, |BC| ≥ |B| + 5. The support of an element α = x∈G α x x in a group algebra F[G] (F is any field), denoted by supp(α), is the set {x ∈ G | α x = 0}. By the latter result, we prove that if αβ = 0 for some nonzero α, β ∈ F[G] such that |supp(α)| = 3, then |supp(β)| ≥ 12. Also, we prove that if αβ = 1 for some α, β ∈ F[G] such that |supp(α)| = 3, then |supp(β)| ≥ 10. These results improve a part of results in Schweitzer