An alternative approach to classical methods of electrochemical data analysis is presented. This alternative method is based on nonlinear parameter estimation and model discrimination techniques. The method is used to obtain the relevant kineuc ana transport parameters and to elucidate the kinetic mechanism of 02 reduction at carbon and silver electrodes in alkaline electrolytes.Conventional methods for electrochemical data analysis generally tend to focus on a narrow range of the kinetic expressions describing the electrochemical process, such as the Tafel or the linear segments of typical polarization curves. Focus on these sections of the polarization curves produces a set of parameter values which electrochemists have traditionally used to elucidate the mechanisms of electrochemical reactions. However, in most instances, the linear and Tafel segments of these curves are distorted by diffusion processes, the reverse reaction in the neighborhood of the equilibrium potential, and coupling effects of other reactions. Therefore, parameters estimated from the Tafel or linear regions of the polarization curves, especially for complex electrode reaction systems, may not reflect the true values of the parameters of the electrode reactions under consideration. For instance, where the electrode reaction is relatively fast, the Tafel segment may be so short as to create difficulty in accurately estimating the parameters. On the other hand, for slow electrode reactions, the polarization curves can have several Tafel segments with transition regions, where the reaction from one segment could be coupled with that in another segment. McIntyre (1) noted the coupling effect of a regenerative process of a heterogeneous catalytic electrode reaction over the complete potential range in which the electroactive species was reduced and recommended that the coupling effect be taken into account if kinetic parameters characteristic of the charge-transfer reaction are to be obtained. On the other hand, the linear region extends only a few millivolts beyond the equilibrium or open-circuit potential. As pointed out by Nagy et al. (2), measurements at such low overpotentials are often hampered by signal-to-noise ratio problems, and extrapolation from the linear to higher overpotential range as commonly done in electrochemical studies is generally questionable.Most kinetic models, in addition to relating the overall process and the component steps to the potential driving force and to the concentrations of reactants, products, and * Electrochemical Society Active Member.intermediates, must also take into account the transport O f reacting species, intermediates, and products to and from the electrode surface. Furthermore, consideration of homogeneous reactions in the solution and heterogeneous non-charge transfer reactions at the electrode surface increases the complexity of the system of model equations needed to evaluate the kinetic parameters. This system of model equations is normally described by a set of differential equatio...