Abstract.Given an open bounded subset Ω of R n , which is convex and satisfies an interior sphere condition, we consider the pde −∆∞u = 1 in Ω, subject to the homogeneous boundary condition u = 0 on ∂Ω. We prove that the unique solution to this Dirichlet problem is power-concave (precisely, 3/4 concave) and it is of class C 1 (Ω). We then investigate the overdetermined Serrin-type problem, formerly considered in [10], obtained by adding the extra boundary condition |∇u| = a on ∂Ω; by using a suitable P -function we prove that, if Ω satisfies the same assumptions as above and in addition contains a ball with touches ∂Ω at two diametral points, then the existence of a solution to this Serrin-type problem implies that necessarily the cut locus and the high ridge of Ω coincide. In turn, in dimension n = 2, this entails that Ω must be a stadium-like domain, and in particular it must be a ball in case its boundary is of class C 2 .