The structure of methylfluoroisocyanato silane (Me-SiHF-NCO) has been deduced by a combination of microwave (MW) spectra including data from (12,13)C, (14,15)N, and (28,29,30)Si isotopomers, and ab initio calculations. The rotational constants (RC) for the most abundant isotopes are A = 6301.415(45), B = 1535.078(39), and C = 1310.485(39) MHz. The symmetric quartic centrifugal distortion constants have been identified, using the I(r) representation for C1 symmetry, which includes the 3-fold rotor. The spectra of the isotopomer combinations gave a partial substitution structure where the C2Si3, Si3N4, and N4C9 bond lengths are 1.8427(70), 1.7086(77), and 1.2120(90)Å; although the C2Si3N4 angle is close to tetrahedral (109.71° (52)), the Si3N4C9 angle is wide (157.69° (18)). The rotational constants are only consistent with a trans-orientation for each of the dihedral angles (HC2Si3N4, C2Si3N4C9, and Si3N4C9O10). The structural analysis was completed by calculations of the equilibrium structure, using MP3 in conjunction with an aug-cc-pVTZ basis set (434 Cartesian basis functions). This gave A = 6240.324, B = 1518.489, and C = 1297.819 MHz. The equilibrium structure bond lengths for C2Si3, Si3N4, and N4C9 were 1.8485, 1.7147, and 1.1947 Å, with the C2Si3N4 and Si3N4C9 angles 109.55 and 156.67°, respectively. Although the SiNC polynomial bending surface is complex, the data points can be fit to the simple form V(x) = 50.36(91)x(4) - 7.53(44)x(5), with comparatively little loss of accuracy. The A-rotational constant is strongly influenced by the Si3N4C9 angle, and smaller bases lead to this angle being nearly linear. The theoretical results suggest a very heavily polarized molecule, which is supported by the positions of the local electron density minima within the bonds and electron density calculations.