The ρρ scattering has been studied by two groups which both claimed a dynamical generated scalar meson, most likely to be f 0 (1370). Here we investigate the influence of coupled-channels of pseudoscalar mesons, i.e., ππ andKK, on this dynamical generated scalar state. With the coupled channel effect included, the pole and partial decay widths are found to be more close to PDG values for f 0 (1500). * relativistic ρ propagators in solving the B-S equation for ρρ scattering. Both scalar state and tensor state associated with f 0 (1370) and f 2 (1270), respectively, were found in consistence with the conclusion of Ref. [4].From the studies of above two groups, obviously, for the energies around f 2 (1270) well below ρρ threshold, there is strong model dependence for the interaction of two far off-massshell ρ mesons. For the scalar state closer to the ρρ threshold, the two groups got similar result rather model independently. In this paper we shall study the influence of coupledchannels of pseudoscalar mesons, i.e., ππ andKK, on this dynamical generated scalar state. In the ρρ − KK coupling we consider the case of K and K * exchange, while in the ρρ − ππ coupling we consider the case of π and ω exchange.
ρρ → ππ with π-exchangeWe investigate the coupled channel effect based on a chiral covariant framework [5]. We follow the formalism of the hidden gauge interaction which provides the ρππ coupling by means of the Lagrangian [12,13] (1)where the symbol . . . stands for the trace in the SU (3) space with the coupling constant g = M V /2f π with M V the mass of vector meson and f π = 93M eV the pion decay constant. The matrices V µ and P are given by