This paper is a natural continuation of our previous work on conformal embeddings of vertex algebras [6], [7], [8]. Here we consider conformal embeddings in simple affine vertex superalgebra V k (g) where g = g0 ⊕g1 is a basic classical simple Lie superalgebra. Let V k (g0) be the subalgebra of V k (g) generated by g0. We first classify all levels k for which the embedding V k (g0) in V k (g) is conformal. Next we prove that, for a large family of such conformal levels, V k (g) is a completely reducible V k (g0)-module and obtain decomposition rules. Proofs are based on fusion rules arguments and on the representation theory of certain affine vertex algebras. The most interesting case is the decomposition of V−2(osp(2n + 8|2n)) as a finite, non simple current extension of V−2(Dn+4) ⊗ V1(Cn). This decomposition uses our previous work [10] on the representation theory of V−2(Dn+4).We also study conformal embeddings gl(n|m) ֒→ sl(n + 1|m) and in most cases we obtain decomposition rules. 4 3. Conformal levels 9 4. Decompositions for the embedding g0 ⊂ g 13 4.1. Easy cases 13 4.2. Another approach to the case g = sl(m|n), k = 1 15 4.3. The case g = psl(m|m), k = 1. 16 4.4. The case g = sl(m|n), k = −h ∨ /2 17 4.5. The case g of type D(m, n), k = 1 17 4.6. The case g of type D(m, n), k = 2 − m + n. 18 4.7. The case g = spo(2|3), k = −3/4 19 4.8. The case g = C(n + 1), k = 1 22 4.9. The case g = F (4), k = 1 23 4.10. The case g = G(3), k = 1 26 5. Some examples of decompositions of embeddings g 0 ⊂ g 27 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 17B69; Secondary 17B20, 17B65.