The goal of this thesis is to continue to build the bridge between communication complexity and analysis. More specifically, the purpose is to initiate a systematic study of dimension-free relations between basic communication complexity and query complexity measures and various matrix norms. In other words, our goal is to establish qualitative equivalences between complexity measures, namely to bound a measure solely as a function of another measure. This is in contrast to the more common framework in communication complexity where quantitative equivalences are the main focus of study and poly-logarithmic dependencies on the number of input bits are tolerated.Dimension-free bounds are closely related to structural results, where one seeks to describe the structure of Boolean matrices and functions that have low complexity. We restate and propose several conjectures in this nature such as: Does every matrix with small randomized communication complexity contain a large all-zero or all-one submatrix [CLV19]? Does every Boolean function with small approximate Fourier algebra norm have large affine subspace on which the function is constant?We consider such questions for several communication and query complexity measures as well as various matrix and operator norms. In several cases, we achieve satisfying answers, while for some cases we show that such bounds do not exist.We establish that, in addition to applications in complexity theory, these problems arise naturally in operator theory and Harmonic analysis. We show that these problems are central to characterization of the idempotents of the algebra of Schur multipliers, and could lead to new extensions of Cohen's celebrated idempotent theorem regarding the Fourier algebra. i
ContributionWork included The novel parts of this thesis are Chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7. These are based on the following joint work. Section 4.6 is not included in any manuscript.