ContentsWe denote by K a field containing k and assumed to be complete with respect to a non-Archimedean valuation, writtenSuch a K is also called, as in [Ber90], a non-Archimedean field. We assume v K induces on k the trivial valuation, k * → 0. We denote by R the valuation ring of K.In this paper any field extension K ′ |K is an extension of non-Archimedean fields so that K ′ will be endowed with a valuation inducing v K .Curves are always assumed to be reduced, projective and having at most nodes as singularities.g ≥ 2 is an integer. G = (V, E) a finite graph (loops and multiple edges allowed), V and E the sets of vertices and edges. We also write V = V (G) and E = E(G). Our graphs will be connected. G = (G, w) denotes a weighted graph. Γ = (G, w, ℓ) denotes a tropical curve, possibly extended. We use the "Kronecker" symbol: for two objects x and y κ x,y := 1 if x = y, 0 otherwise.In drawing graphs we shall denote by a "•" the vertices of weight 0 and by a "•" the vertices of positive weight.Acknowledgements. The paper benefitted from comments and suggestions from Sam Payne, Filippo Viviani, and the referees, to whom I am grateful.
Tropical curves2.1. Abstract tropical curves. We begin by defining abstract tropical curves, also known as "metric graphs", following, with a slightly different terminology, [Mik07b], [MZ08], and [BMV11].Definition 2.1.1. A pure tropical curve is a pair Γ = (G, ℓ) such that G = (V, E) is a graph and ℓ : E → R >0 is a length function on the edges.More generally, a (weighted) tropical curve is a triple Γ = (G, ℓ, w) such that G and ℓ are as above, and w : V → Z ≥0 is a weight function on the vertices.