In this paper, we look at the problem of randomized leader election in synchronous distributed networks with a special focus on the message complexity. We provide an algorithm that solves the implicit version of leader election (where non-leader nodes need not be aware of the identity of the leader) in any general network with O( √ n log 7/2 n · t mix ) messages and in O(t mix log 2 n) time, where n is the number of nodes and t mix refers to the mixing time of a random walk in the network graph G. For several classes of well-connected networks (that have a large conductance or alternatively small mixing times e.g. expanders, hypercubes, etc), the above result implies extremely efficient (sublinear running time and messages) leader election algorithms. Correspondingly, we show that any substantial improvement is not possible over our algorithm, by presenting an almost matching lower bound for randomized leader election. We show that Ω( √ n/φ 3/4 ) messages are needed for any leader election algorithm that succeeds with probability at least 1 − o(1), where φ refers to the conductance of a graph. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that shows a dependence between the time and message complexity to solve leader election and the connectivity of the graph G, which is often characterized by the graph's conductance φ. Apart from the Ω(m) bound in [24] (where m denotes the number of edges of the graph), this work also provides one of the first non-trivial lower bounds for leader election in general networks.Leader election is one of the most classical and fundamental problem in the field of distributed computing having applications in numerous problems relating to synchronization, resource allocation, reliable replication, load balancing, job scheduling (in master slave environment), crash recovery, membership maintenance etc. Computing a leader can be thought of as a form of symmetry breaking, where exactly one special node or process (denoted as leader) is chosen to take some critical decisions.Loosely speaking, the problem of leader election requires a set of nodes in a distributed network to elect a unique leader among themselves, i.e., exactly one node must output the decision that it is the leader. There are two well known variants of this problem (cf. [3,27]), the explicit variant where at the end of the election process all the nodes are required to be aware of the identity of the leader and the implicit variant where the non-leader nodes need not be aware of the identity of the leader.Often, the implicit variant is sufficient for many practical applications, e.g. its original application for token generation in token ring environments [26] etc. This variant also allows us to clearly distinguish between the two aspects of explicit leader election and costs associated to each of them, i.e. electing a leader (implicitly) as compared to broadcasting the unique id of the leader to all the other nodes. Clearly, any solution for the explicit variant of leader election also solves the implicit variant. H...