To make effective management decisions in the safety measures field of navigational hydraulic structures, versatile information support is required, which is implemented, including by maintaining a database on them. This achieves the industry scale formation of a reliable set of information on various reliability and safety operational issues of navigational hydraulic structures, ensuring timely detection (forecasting) and prevention of crisis situations on them. The industry database includes information on pressure water transport hydraulic structures subject to declaration in accordance with the legislation on the safety of the hydraulic structure. The automated navigational hydraulic structures database is an information and analytical complex operating on a computer technology basis, which allows you to accumulate and store a variety of information, correct it, process, select and analyze, including retrospective, etc. The author of the article notes that for the implementation of the state policy in the safety measures field of industrial facilities, it is necessary to improve the work organization in the field of timely detection and prevention of man-made and natural threats, the technical basis for monitoring, which is the most important condition for increasing the reliability and efficiency of obtaining comprehensive information characterizing its safety state. Based on the processing and analyzing complex information results, the article characterizes the state of navigational hydraulic structures, provides suggestions and recommendations aimed at ensuring their safe operation for the purpose of prompt response, implementation of corrective actions in the inter-declaration period, as well as for planning for the future, an assessment is made the effect of repair and restoration work performed at hydraulic structures at different times.