A cubical polytope is a polytope with all its facets being combinatorially equivalent to cubes. We deal with the connectivity of the graphs of cubical polytopes. We first establish that, for any d ≥ 3, the graph of a cubical d-polytope with minimum degree δ is min{δ, 2d − 2}-connected. Second, we show, for any d ≥ 4, that every minimum separator of cardinality at most 2d − 3 in such a graph consists of all the neighbours of some vertex and that removing the vertices of the separator from the graph leaves exactly two components, with one of them being the vertex itself.to be convex. Figure 2 depicts this operation. A connected sum of two copies of a cyclic d-polytope with d ≥ 4 and n ≥ d + 1 vertices ([15, Thm. 0.7]), which is a polytope whose facets are all simplices, results in a d-polytope of minimum degree n − 1 that is d-connected but not (d + 1)-connected.On our way to prove the connectivity theorem we prove results of independent interest, for instance, the following (Corollary 16 in Section 4).Corollary. Let P be a cubical d-polytope and let F be a proper face of P . Then the subgraphRemark 3. The examples of Fig. 1 also establish that the previous corollary is best possible in the sense that the removal of the vertices of a proper face F of a cubical d-polytope does not always leave a (d − 1)-connected subgraph of the graph of the polytope.