We study the Maximum Budgeted Allocation problem, which is the problem of assigning indivisible items to players with budget constraints. In its most general form, an instance of the MBA problem might include many different prices for the same item among different players, and different budget constraints for every player. So far, the best approximation algorithms we know for the MBA problem achieve a 3/4-approximation ratio, and employ a natural LP relaxation, called the Assignment-LP. In this paper, we give an algorithm for MBA, and prove that it achieves a 3/4 + c-approximation ratio, for some constant c > 0. This algorithm works by rounding solutions to an LP called the Configuration-LP, therefore also showing that the Configuration-LP is strictly stronger than the Assignment-LP (for which we know that the integrality gap is 3/4) for the MBA problem. 1 received significant attention from the research community. The reason is that it arises naturally in the context of multiple practical scenarios, such as when we want to maximize the revenue in an auction with budget-constrained agents. However, it is an NP-hard problem, and therefore hard to solve optimally. Therefore, one natural approach is to take up approximation algorithms in the course of tackling it.So far, the best algorithms we know achieve a 3/4-approximation ratio and are due to Srinivasan [14] and Chakrabarty and Goel [5]. These algorithms work by rounding solutions to the Assignment-LP relaxation, a relaxation for which we know the integrality gap is no better than 3/4. Since our goal is to improve upon the 3/4 ratio, we will have to use a stronger relaxation. Configuration LP-s have often been used in the past to provide good approximation algorithms (e.g., for the Bin Packing problem [10,12]); towards such an end, Chakrabarty and Goel [5] proposed the use of the Configuration-LP for the MBA problem, and conjectured that its integrality gap should be better than 3/4. At this point, it was already observed [5] that the restriction of items having uniform prices (i.e., an item can be assigned to a subset of the players, and every player is willing to pay the same price for that item) is one of the most natural restrictions of MBA that do not make the problem too easy. This is in line, for example, with what was already observed for the Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP), i.e., the problem of finding an allocation of items to bins of size 1 which maximizes the total value, where every item has a separate size and value for each bin. Indeed, in their work on designing an algorithm with a better than 1 − 1/e-approximation ratio for GAP, Feige and Vondrák [6] show how to deal with uniform instances, and then focus on the rest; interestingly, their techniques rely on the use of the Configuration-LP. Furthermore, these facts highlight some structural differences between different allocation problems: while problems such as GAP and MBA might not get substantially harder when the item values are non-uniform, this is not necessarily the case for other al...