In this work we introduce an extended version of the formalism proposed originally by Taurines et al. that considers the effects of many-body forces simulated by non-linear self-couplings and mesonmeson interaction contributions. In this extended version of the model, we assume that matter is at zero temperature, charge neutral and in beta-equilibrium, considering that the baryon octet interacts by the exchange of scalar-isoscalar (σ, σ * ), vector-isoscalar (ω, φ), vector-isovector ( ) and scalar-isovector (δ) meson fields. Using nuclear matter properties, we constrain the parameters of the model that describe the intensity of the indirectly density dependent baryon-meson couplings to a small range of possible values. We then investigate asymmetric hyperonic matter properties. We report that the formalism developed in this work is in agreement with experimental data and also allows for the existence of massive hyperon stars (with more than 2M ) with small radii, compatible with astrophysical observations.