Following a recently proposed confinement generating mechanism, we provide a new string inspired model with a massive dilaton and a new dilaton coupling function [5]. By solving analytically the equations of motion, a new class of confining interquark potentials is derived which includes several popular potential forms given in the literature. keywords: Dilaton; confinement; quark potential. * correponding 0 Recently, the extension of gauge field theories by inclusion of dilatonic degrees of freedom has evoked considerable interest. Particularly, dilatonic Maxwell and Yang-Mills theories which, under some assumptions, possess stable and finite energy solutions [1]. Indeed, in theories with dilaton fields, the topological structure of the vacuum is drastically changed compared to the non dilatonic ones. It is therefore of great interest to investigate the vacuum solutions induced by r-dependent dilaton field, through a string inspired effective theory which may reproduce the main feature of strong interactions: quark confinement.Recall that the dilaton is an hypothetical scalar particle appearing in the spectrum of string theory and Kaluza-Klein type theories [2]. Along with its pseudo scalar companion, the