In this paper, we deal with a generalization Γ(Ω, q) of the bipartite graphs D(k, q) proposed by Lazebnik and Ustimenko, where Ω is a set of binary sequences that are adopted to index the entries of the vertices. A few sufficient conditions on Ω for Γ(Ω, q) to admit a variety of automorphisms are proposed. A sufficient condition for Γ(Ω, q) to be edge-transitive is proposed further. A lower bound of the number of the connected components of Γ(Ω, q) is given by showing some invariants for the components. For Γ(Ω, q), paths and cycles which contain vertices of some specified form are investigated in details. Some lower bounds for the girth of Γ(Ω, q) are then shown. In particular, one can give very simple conditions on the index set Ω so as to assure the generalized graphs Γ(Ω, q) to be a family of graphs with large girth.