In this paper we study the degree sequence of the permutation graph Gπ n associated with a sequence πn ∈ Sn of random permutations. Joint limiting distributions of the degrees are established using results from graph and permutation limit theories. In particular, for the uniform random permutation, the joint distribution of the degrees of the vertices labelled nr1 , nr2 , . . . , nrs converges (after scaling by n) to independent random variables D1, D2, . . . , Ds, where Di ∼ Unif(ri, 1 − ri), for ri ∈ [0, 1] and i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , s}. Moreover, the degree of the mid-vertex (the vertex labelled n/2) has a central limit theorem, and the minimum degree converges to a Rayleigh distribution after appropriate scalings. Finally, the limiting degree distribution of the permutation graph associated with a Mallows random permutation is determined, and interesting phase transitions are observed. Our results extend to other exponential measures on permutations.2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 05A05, 05C17, 60C05, 60F05. √ 2 (Theorem 3.7). Moreover, we give sufficient conditions for verifying the convergence of the permutation process. These conditions can be easily verified for many non-uniform (exponential) measures on permutations. These conditions together with the recent work of Starr [40] can be used to explicitly determine the limiting distribution of the degree process for a Mallows random permutation, for all β ∈ R (Theorem 3.8). For each a ∈ (0, 1], the limiting density of d n ( na )/n has a interesting phase transition depending on the value of β: there exists a critical value β c (a) such that for β ∈ [0, β c (a)] the limiting density is a continuous function supported on [a, 1 − a]. However, for β > β c (a) the density breaks into two piecewise continuous parts. If β = 1/T denotes the inverse temperature, then this is the statistical physics phenomenon of replica symmetry breaking in the low temperature regime.The rest of the paper is organized as follows: Section 2 contains the basics of graph and permutation limit theories and their connections. Section 3 gives the summary of our main results.1 Throughout the paper, πn will be used interchangeably to denote both the permutation and the permutation process depending on the context. In particular, for a ∈ [n] πn(a) will denote the image of a under the permutation πn. On the other hand, for t ∈ [0, 1] πn(t) = πn( nt )/n will denote the permutation process evaluated at t. Similarly, dn will be used to denote both the degree of a vertex and the degree process.