Let k be a field and denote by SH(k) the motivic stable homotopy category. Recall its full subcategory SH(k) eff♥ (Bachmann in J Topol 10(4):1124-1144. arXiv:1610.01346, 2017). Write NAlg(SH(k)) for the category of Sm-normed spectra (Bachmann-Hoyois in arXiv:1711.03061, 2017); recall that there is a forgetful functor U : NAlg(SH(k)) → SH(k). Let NAlg(SH(k) eff♥) ⊂ NAlg(SH(k)) denote the full subcategory on normed spectra E such that U E ∈ SH(k) eff♥. In this article we provide an explicit description of NAlg(SH(k) eff♥) as the category of effective homotopy modules with étale norms, at least if char(k) = 0. A weaker statement is available if k is perfect of characteristic > 2.