We construct Kähler-Einstein metrics with negative scalar curvature near an isolated log canonical (non-log terminal) singularity. Such metrics are complete near the singularity if the underlying space has complex dimension 2 or if the singularity is smoothable. In complex dimension 2, we show that any complete Kähler-Einstein metric of negative scalar curvature near an isolated log canonical (non-log terminal) singularity is smoothly asymptotically close to one of the model metrics constructed by Kobayashi and Nakamura arising from hyperbolic geometry.Remark 3.1. The above theorem is true as long as ω KE and ω ′ KE are complete. No other metric properties of ω KE , ω ′ KE are required. We prove some corollaries of Theorem 1.3.Corollary 3.1. Suppose we are in the setting of theorem 1.3 i.e, U admits a complete Kähler-Einstein metric ω KE with negative scalar curvature and V ol ω KE (U ) < ∞, then for any other complete Kähler-Einstein metric ω ′ KE with negative scalar curvature,Another simple application is a quick proof of uniqueness of complete Kähler-Einstein metric on a complex manifold without boundary.