Experimental and theoretical results are presented on the exciton
level structure of the B850 ring of
bacteriochlorophyll a molecules for the light-harvesting 2
(LH2) complex of Rhodopseudomonas acidophila
(strain 10 050) and the effects of energy disorder (due to structural
heterogeneity) on the level structure. The
work is an outgrowth of the accompanying paper (Wu et al. J.
Phys. Chem. B
1997, 101, 7641),
reports on the temperature and pressure dependencies of the LH2
absorption spectrum and the zero-phonon
hole action spectrum of the lowest energy exciton level of the complex,
B870, as well as the structural
(nondenaturing) change of the complex near 150 K. The effects of
energy disorder are analyzed using the
theory of Wu and Small (Chem. Phys.
218, 225), which employs symmetry-adapted energy
patterns. The analysis leads to a room temperature value of ∼100
cm-1 for the splitting between B870
the adjacent, strongly allowed E1 level in the absence of
disorder. Using the temperature-dependent data of
Wu et al., we arrive at a theoretical estimate for this splitting at
temperatures below ∼150 K of ∼150
which is 50 cm-1 smaller than the
“apparent” value of 200 cm-1 based on the
4.2 K B870 action spectrum.
The 50 cm-1 difference is explained in
terms of a distribution of values for the energy disorder
which leads to a distribution of values for the oscillator strength of
B870. Hole-burning data on the temperature
dependence of B870's optical dynamics are presented and analyzed.
Below ∼15 K the dynamics are dominated
by two-level systems of the protein with an effective dephasing
frequency that carries a T
α dependence
α ≈ 1.3. At temperatures above ∼20 K the dephasing is
strongly exponentially driven with an activation
energy of ∼100−140 cm-1. A mechanism
suggested for this dephasing is that it is due to upward
of the B870 level to the adjacent E1 level by one-phonon
absorption. New satellite hole spectra for the LH2
complex (isolated and chromatophores) are presented that lead to the
assignment of the weak high-energy
tail absorption of the B800 and B850 absorption bands to B850 exciton
levels of the B850 ring, which are
either symmetry forbidden or predicted to be very weakly absorbing in
the absence of energy disorder.