In this work, we are concerned with the decentralized optimization problem:where Ω ⊂ R d is a convex domain and each fi : Ω → R is a local cost only known to agent i. A fundamental algorithm is the decentralized projected gradient method (DPG) given bywhere PΩ is the projection operator to Ω and {wij} 1≤i,j≤n are communication weight among the agents. While this method has been widely used in the literatures, its sharp convergence property has not been established well so far, except for the special case Ω = R n . This work establishes new convergence estimates of DPG when the aggregate cost f is strongly convex and each function fi is smooth. If the stepsize is given by constant α(t) ≡ α > 0 and suitably small, we prove that each xi(t) converges to an O( √ α)neighborhood of the optimal point. In addition, we take a one-dimensional example fi and prove that the point xi(t) converges to an O(α)-neighborhood of the optimal point. Also, we obtain convergence estimates for decreasing stepsizes. Numerical experiments are also provided to support the convergence results.