This article develops empirical likelihood methodology for a class of long range dependent processes driven by a stationary Gaussian process. We consider population parameters that are defined by estimating equations in the time domain. It is shown that the standard block empirical likelihood (BEL) method, with a suitable scaling, has a non-standard limit distribution based on a multiple Wiener-Itô integral. Unlike the short memory time series case, the scaling constant involves unknown population quantities that may be difficult to estimate. Alternative versions of the empirical likelihood method, involving the expansive BEL (EBEL) methods are considered. It is shown that the EBEL renditions do not require an explicit scaling and, therefore, remove this undesirable feature of the standard BEL. However, the limit law involves the long memory parameter, which may be estimated from the data. Results from a moderately large simulation study on finite sample properties of tests and confidence intervals based on different empirical likelihood methods are also reported.For time series data, Kitamura (1997) proposed a version of EL, called the block empirical likelihood (BEL) method. The BEL is defined using blocks of observations instead of individual observations. The blocking device is useful in guaranteeing a distribution free limit distribution of the log-BEL ratio statistic (up to a known scaling factor). Properties of the BEL has been investigated by Kitamura (1997) under SRD andby Nordman et al. (2007) for linear processes exhibiting LRD. In both of these works, the limit distribution of the log-BEL ratio statistic (with a suitable scaling) has a Chi-squared distribution and, hence, the critical points of the Chi-squared distribution can be used for calibrating BEL tests and confidence intervals (CIs). In this article, we consider the EL methodology for a class of LRD processes driven by a stationary Gaussian process. More precisely, we consider LRD observations generated by square-integrable non-linear transformations of the Gaussian process as in Taqqu (1975Taqqu ( , 1977 where, unlike the linear process case, the centered and scaled sample mean obeys a non-central limit theorem. We establish the asymptotic distribution of the log-BEL ratio statistic under mild conditions.The main results of the article show that, for a non-degenerate limit distribution, the log-BEL ratio statistic must be scaled with a suitable factor that involves a potentially unknown slowly varying function. Furthermore, the log-BEL ratio statistic (with the given scaling) has a non-standard distribution that is no longer distribution free. The limit distribution is given by a multiple Wiener-Itô integral and it depends on the underlying data generating process through the long memory parameter. While the quantiles of the limit distribution can be estimated by using an estimator of the long memory parameter, such as the Geweke-Porter-Hudak estimator (cf. Geweke and Porter-Hudak, 1983), estimation of the slowly varying part of the scaling c...