Many models have been proposed to explain how atomic displacements can occur in alkali halides by irradiation with X-rays or low energy electrons. In particular Rabin and Klick [ l ] found that F and H centers are formed in pairs and that the process involves the production of an interstitial halide neutral atom. It seemed likely [I] that the total energy used in creating a pair of centers would be dependent on the interstitial space available to accept the halide atom and on the size of the halide atom.They [I] plotted the number of electron volts required to produce an F-center at liquid helium temperature for various alkali halides as a function of the quantities S and D defined as follows: S is the space between adjacent halide ions along a (1 10) direction in the normal lattice, and D is the diameter of the halide atom. The quantity S / D obviously is a measure of the space available for a halide atom to be inserted between two halide ions along a face diagonal: S is given by (a/@) -d, where a is the lattice constant and d ( = 2 r _ ) is the halide ion diameter (i.e. twice the anion radius r -) .Townsend Recently, we adopted 151 in color center as well as in defect physics the Sanderson model for non-molecular structures which utilizes a univocal scheme in determining the ionic radii; we obtained a forecast for off-center configuration of impurity ions in alkali halides and oxides [5], for FA (11-type) center formation [6], and for F-center luminescence quantum yield [7] in alkali halides (incidentally, we recall that we found [8] a correlation between the Sanderson partial charge and the Szigeti effective charge). Very recently our scheme was adopted by other authors [9] in an analysis of the anharmonicity of the OH-and OD-stretching mode in alkali halides.According to the Sanderson model the atoms contain partial charges whose values (k 6) can be calculated readily by using a new scale of electronegativities developed by Sanderson himself. Sanderson developed a simple empirical formula to quantify the variation of the ionic radius r with the partial charge,where rc is the nonpolar covalent radius, B a constant for a particular atom: r attains the limit (ionic) values r i when + 6 is equal to unity (for a full discussion, see [5]).