We show that in cohomogeneity 3 there are G-manifolds with any given number of isolated singular orbits and an invariant metric of positive Ricci curvature. We show that the corresponding result is also true in cohomogeneity 5 provided the number of singular orbits is even. §1 IntroductionThe objects under consideration in this paper are compact G-manifolds with finitely many non-principal orbits. Here, G is a compact Lie group acting smoothly and effectively on a smooth compact manifold M. The orbits of such an action are either principal, exceptional (that is, non-principal but having the same dimension as a principal orbit), or singular, meaning that the orbit dimension is strictly lower than that of a principal orbit. The cohomogeneity of such an action is the codimension of a principal orbit, or equivalently the dimension of the space of orbits G\M. Note that the union of principal orbits is a dense subset of M.We will be primarily interested in the invariant geometry of such objects, that is, the geometry of M equipped with a Riemannian metric which is invariant under the G-action.The motivation for studying manifolds with only finitely many non-principal orbits arose from the study of cohomogeneity one manifolds. Cohomogeneity one manifolds have been studied extensively in recent years, particularly for their geometric properties. (See for example the survey [Z].) Recently, a new example of a positively curved manifold was found among the cohomogeneity one manifolds ([D],[GVZ]), to add to the many known examples of non-negatively curved cohomogeneity-one manifolds (see for example [GZ1]). The underlying philosophy behind these developments is that curvature or other geometric expressions become simpler and more tractable in the prescence of symmetry, as provided by the action of a 'large' Lie group acting isometrically.Compact cohomogeneity one manifolds belong to one of two types according to the space of orbits. The orbit space could be a circle, in which case all orbits are principal and the manifold is a principal orbit bundle over the circle. The other possiblilty is a closed interval, in which case there are precisely two non-principal orbits corresponding to the end-points of the interval. This is by far the more interesting of the two cases, and provides our main motivating example for studying manifolds with a finite number of non-principal orbits. Such orbits are clearly isolated in the sense that there exist mutually disjoint invariant tubular neighbourhoods about each non-principal orbit.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 53C20, 53C21.