Informally, Z n 2 -manifolds are 'manifolds' with Z n 2 -graded coordinates and a sign rule determined by the standard scalar product of their Z n 2 -degrees. Such manifolds can be understood in a sheaf-theoretic framework, as supermanifolds can, but with significant differences, in particular in integration theory. In this paper, we reformulate the notion of a Z n 2 -manifold within a categorical framework via the functor of points. We show that it is sufficient to consider Z n 2 -points, i.e., trivial Z n 2 -manifolds for which the reduced manifold is just a single point, as 'probes' when employing the functor of points. This allows us to construct a fully faithful restricted Yoneda embedding of the category of Z n 2 -manifolds into a subcategory of contravariant functors from the category of Z n 2 -points to a category of Fréchet manifolds over algebras. We refer to this embedding as the Schwarz-Voronov embedding. We further prove that the category of Z n 2 -manifolds is equivalent to the full subcategory of locally trivial functors in the preceding subcategory.