We show that the natural way to extend several key results concerning minimal presentations for finitely generated commutative cancellative reduced monoids, is to replace the finitely generated condition by the ascending chain condition on principal ideals.Keywords Monoid · Ascending condition on principal ideals · Minimal presentations · Betti elements · Catenary degree · Sets of distances All monoids in this paper are commutative, cancellative and reduced, so we will omit these adjectives in the sequel.By having a closer look at [8, Chap. 9] and [7] one realizes that if the finitely generated condition is replaced by the ascending chain condition on principal ideals most of the results remain true. This is due to the fact that in the monoids studied on those papers there are no infinite descending chains of elements with respect to the order induced by the monoid, and so induction can be performed.We show that this replacement allows us to easily generalize, on the one hand, the construction of minimal presentations, and on the other the definition and characterization of gluings for finitely generated monoids given in [8, Chap. 9] and [7], respectively. The motivation to do this, apart from the seek of a more general setting to work in, is twofold, as we explain next. Communicated by Jorge Almeida. The authors are supported by the projects MTM2010-15595 and FQM-343, FQM-5849, and FEDER funds. We would like to thank D. Llena, I. Ojeda and J.C. Rosales for their helpful discussions. M. Bullejos · P.A. García-Sánchez ( )