Electronic Whispering Gallery Modes (EWGMs) have been recently observed in several circular graphene junctions, pn and pp , created in scanning tunnelling microscope experiments. By computing the local density of states within the Dirac-Weyl formalism for massless fermions we demonstrate that the EWGMs may really be emerged in any type of the electrostaticpotential induced circular graphene junctions, including uni-junctions (e.g. np-or pp -junctions) as well as bipolar-junctions (e.g. pnp-heterojunctions). Surprisingly, quantitative analyses show that for all the EWGMs identified (regardless of junction types) the quality (Q) factors seem to be ≤ 10 2 , very small compared to those in ordinary optical whispering gallery modes microresonators, while the corresponding mode radii may tunably be in nanometer-scale. Our theoretical results are in good agreement with existent experimental data, putting a question to the application potential of the EWGMs identified. :1912.10691v1 [cond-mat.mes-hall]