Let R be a local Cohen-Macaulay ring, let I be an R-ideal, and let G be the associated graded ring of I . We give an estimate for the depth of G when G is not necessarily Cohen-Macaulay. We assume that I is either equimultiple, or has analytic deviation one, but we do not have any restriction on the reduction number. We also give a general estimate for the depth of G involving the first r + powers of I , where r denotes the Castelnuovo regularity of G and denotes the analytic spread of I .Let R be a Noetherian local ring with infinite residue field k, and let I be an R-ideal. The Rees algebra R = R[I t] ∼ = i 0 I i and the associated graded ring G = gr I (R) = R ⊗ R R/I ∼ = i 0 I i /I i+1 are two graded algebras that reflect various algebraic and geometric properties of the ideal I . For example, Proj(R) is the blow-up of Spec(R) along V (I) and Proj(G) corresponds to the exceptional fiber of the blow-up. Many authors have extensively studied the Cohen-Macaulay property of R and G.