Fixing a positive integer r and 0 ≤ k ≤ r − 1, define f r,k for every formal power series f as f (x) = f r,0 (x r ) + xf r,1 (x r ) + · · · + x r−1 f r,r−1 (x r ). Jochemko recently showed that the polynomial U n r,k h(x) := ((1 + x + · · · + x r−1 ) n h(x)) r,k has only nonpositive zeros for any r ≥ deg h(x) − k and any positive integer n. As a consequence, Jochemko confirmed a conjecture of Beck and Stapledon on the Ehrhart polynomial h(x) of a lattice polytope of dimension n, which states that U n r,0 h(x) has only negative, real zeros whenever r ≥ n. In this paper, we provide an alternative approach to Beck and Stapledon's conjecture by proving the following general result: if the polynomial sequence. Our result has many other interesting applications. In particular, this enables us to give a new proof of Savage and Visontai's result on the interlacing property of some refinements of the descent generating functions for colored permutations. Besides, we derive a Carlitz identity for refined colored permutations.