We describe a new ring laser with area A = 833 m 2 and update performance statistics for several such machines. Anandan & Chaio 1982 judged ring lasers inferior to matter interferometers as possible detectors of gravitational waves. However, we note that geophysically interesting results have been obtained from large ring lasers and that there is still a lot of room for improvements.
IntroductionIn their extended footnote #11 Anandan and Chaio [1] compared ring laser interferometers and matter interferometers as detectors of gravitational waves. They write in part …[in the case of a Sagnac optical interferometer], in equation (7) of [1] ) "the mass m must be replaced by (ħω/c 2 ), where ω is the frequency of light relative to the apparatus at the point of interference. For optical frequencies ħω/(mc 2 ) ~10 -9 , so that this device [ring interferometer] would be much less sensitive than the matter interferometer." Indeed it has long been expected from such arguments that matter interferometers will eventually prove superior to all other ring interferometry [2]. However, in the years after Anandan & Chaio's paper [1] and before Josephson effects were realised in super-fluid junctions, a revolution in mirror design has meant that reflectivities rose until they are now > 99.999% so that cavity quality factors and finesses have risen to values of 2•10 13 and 10 5 respectively [3] [4]. Since [4] our team now has constructed a rectangular laser gyroscope UG2 of 21m X 39.7m with area A = 833.7m 2 and perimeter P = 121.4 m as an upgrade since November 2005 of an earlier and smaller laser, UG1. In addition a new generation of super-mirrors has been installed in this machine, also in an earlier machine C-II. It is therefore time to update Table 1 of an earlier study [4] and this is done in the present paper. We also report new results for beam powers, sizes, and ring-down times and their consequences for possible sensitivity. For example, we use the recently measured ringdown time of 1 ms for G, 0.1 ms for PR1 and 400 μs for UG2. The figure for UG2 is lower than expected from such a large cavity and reasons for this are still obscure and under investigation. It seems clear from the visible haloes scattered from some mirrors that aberrations arise from the figuring of the super-mirror surfaces, another factor may be relatively high absorption in the ULE substrates used.The report in Section 2 on these machines indicates capabilities of optical Sagnac interferometry well beyond the level that could have been conceived by Anandan & Chaio in 1982 [1]. In particular there is now evidence that relatively large ring lasers are practical devices with the potential to reveal new physical effects and in particular geophysical effects, such as: In [5] it was explained how C-II is capable of observing solid Earth tides at the frequencies 22.304 µHz, caused by tilts from crustal deformation and ocean loading from lunar attraction. These tilts with amplitudes of about 80 nrad alter the projection of Earth's rotation on the rin...