The common sulfide minerals of the polymetallic deposits in the Sangkaropi area, Sulawesi, Indonesia, are sphalerite, galena, pyrite, and chalcopyrite with lesser amounts of bornite, minerals of the tennantite-tetrahedrite series, arsenopyrite, chalcocite, and covelline. The ore deposits occur as massive, fissure and stockwork types in the rhyolitic rocks of Tertiary. Geology and mineralogy of the deposits show resemblances to the Kuroko ore deposits of Japan. Seventeen monomineralic specimens, 4 sphalerites, 4 galenas, 5 pyrites, 3 chalcopyrites, and 1 bornite, collected from the deposits in the Sangkaropi area have been analyzed by atomic absorption spectroscopy for minor element content. 3 minerals of the tennantite te-trahedrite series were examined with the electron probe microanalyzer. It was observed that Fe content of the sphalerite is comparatively very low and shows small variation. Cd is exclusively concentrated in sphalerite, and fairly evenly distributed in the mineral at a concentration of 0.31 to 0.42 percent. Ag is concentrated in tennantite. Ni and CO contents are low. Comparing with the Kuroko deposits in Japan, the close similarity is recognizable between the deposits in the Sangkaropi area and the Kuroko deposits from the geochemical point of view.