We determine the distribution of Galois points for plane curves over a finite field of q elements, which are Frobenius nonclassical for different powers of q. This family is an important class of plane curves with many remarkable properties. It contains the Dickson-Guralnick-Zieve curve, which has been recently studied by Giulietti, Korchmáros, and Timpanella from several points of view. A problem posed by the second author in the theory of Galois points is modified.(1)and n and m are coprime. According to [1, p.544 and Theorem 3.4], F is a homogeneous polynomial of degree q n + q m − q 2 − q over F q , which is irreducible over the algebraic closure F q . In 2009, the first author characterized these curves as the unique double-Frobenius nonclassical plane curves for different powers q n and q m , with gcd(n, m) = 1. Other significant features, such as a large number of F q n -rational points (meeting the Stöhr-Voloch bound) and the arc property in the case m = 1 were also noted [1]. This important family of curves contains the newly coined Dickson-Guralnick-Zieve (DGZ) curve: case (n, m) = (3, 1). Additional remarkable properties of the DGZ curve, such as a large automorphism group and positive p-rank, have been recently proved by Giulietti, Korchmáros, and Timpanella [6].