Halmos' two projections theorem for Hilbert space operators is one of the fundamental results in operator theory. In this paper, we introduce the term of two harmonious projections in the context of adjointable operators on Hilbert C * -modules, extend Halmos' two projections theorem to the case of two harmonious projections. We also give some new characterizations of the closed submodules and their associated projections. As an application, a norm equation associated to a characterization of the Friedrichs angle is proved to be true in the framework of Hilbert C * -modules.where the notation P E stands for the projection from H onto its closed subspace E. Given any projection P on H, let R(P ) and N (P ) denote the range and the null space of P , respectively. It is proved in [6] that for every two projections P and Q on H,2) which gives a characterization of the Friedrichs angle as c(M, N) = c(M ⊥ , N ⊥ ). (1.3) 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. 46L08, 47A05.