Abstract. Although the observation of grammaticality judgements is well acknowledged, their formal representation faces problems of different kinds: linguistic, psycholinguistic, logical, computational. In this paper we focus on addressing some of the logical and computational aspects, relegating the linguistic and psycholinguistic ones in the parameter space. We introduce a model-theoretic interpretation of Property Grammars, which lets us formulate numerical accounts of grammaticality judgements. Such a representation allows for both clear-cut binary judgements, and graded judgements. We discriminate between problems of Intersective Gradience (i.e., concerned with choosing the syntactic category of a model among a set of candidates) and problems of Subsective Gradience (i.e., concerned with estimating the degree of grammatical acceptability of a model). Intersective Gradience is addressed as an optimisation problem, while Subsective Gradience is addressed as an approximation problem.